Young Professionals Networking ASPIRE Awards

2024 Aspire Award Winners

Professional Excellence: Adarsh Parikh, Silver Touch Technologies Canada Ltd.

Community Involvement: Laura Lavallee, Evergreen Hospice

Startup: Arash Hoss, Novus Attractions

Know a great young professional?

Celebrating the success of young professionals (under 40 years) who are entrepreneurs, professionals, and community leaders; the YPN ASPIRE Awards are an annual celebration of talent and achievements.  Nominations are open to anyone participating in programs at HELIX, Seneca’s on campus innovation and entrepreneurship incubator, the York University Innovation program, as well as any individual who lives or conducts business in Markham.


  1. Nominee must be born on or after January 1, 1984; and,
  2. Must be a participant of programs at HELIX, Seneca’s on campus innovation and entrepreneurship incubator OR the York University Innovation program OR any individual who lives/conducts business in Markham.


  1. Demonstrates excellence, creativity, and initiative in their business or profession.
  2. Provides valuable service by contributing time and energy to improve the quality of life for others in the community.
  3. Clearly serves as a role model for young people personally and professionally.


  1. A boost to your corporate reputation – a valuable perk for your PR, marketing, recruitment and retention efforts, and for relations with your investors, customers, and community.
  2. Positive media exposure and other enhanced publicity.
  3. Heightened morale across your organization.
  4. Significant networking opportunities with other successful entrepreneurs and business professionals.


Special thanks to the Title Sponsor:


The Young Professionals Networking Series 


Bringing together aspiring entrepreneurs, professionals, and philanthropists; the Young Professional Networking series is a place for young professionals (under 40) to come together, grow their networks, and share their ideas. Always a laid back atmosphere, we strive to foster an atmosphere of engagement and inspiration.